Finger millet popularly known as Ragi in Kannada,Keppai in tamil,Ragula in Telugu & panji
pullu in Malayalam,Nachani/mandua in Hindi is a well known millet & consumed widely by the
people all over the world.Ragi has the highest mineral & calcium content when compared to all
whole grains & minerals.It is called as wonder grain.It is a powerhouse of protein & amino
acids.It helps to reduce the heat of the body.It also helps to heal ulcers & anemia.Its a great
replacement for rice & wheat especially for diabetic patients.
One of the most popular and commonly consumed millet there could be. Due to ragi’s nutrition,
it can be considered as a good replacement for rice and wheat. The most notable nutritional
feature is that it is a rich source of calcium and other minerals. It is a storehouse of protein and
amino acids that make it a good inclusion in porridges and even wheat flour. This ragi benefit
can be derived from patients with diabetes.
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